Waska Medical Cannabis Cookies


Waska Farms The Original Cannabis-Infused, Vegan & Gluten-Free Hemp Milk


                                   Waska Medical Cannabis Cookies

Cannabis Chocolate Hemp milk is a non-dairy beverage made with the process of blending shelled hemp seeds; infused Mendocino-grown cannabis with cocoa and water. This blends results in a creamy, nutritious beverage that contains the effects of cannabis. As hemp milk contains 150 mg THC with lower cannabinoid concentrations than marijuana strains, therefore it will not cause a strong high buzz. Most of the consumers purchase Waska Farms Cannabis-infused, vegan & Gluten-free hemp milk, non-dairy smooth, and creamy beverage. In case you’re looking to buy Waska Medical Cannabis Chocolate cream Hemp Milk & Cookies, then you’ll find it at an affordable price at our weed store.


  • Cannabis
  • Hemp Milk
  • Chocolate Syrup
  • Coconut Oil
  • Allergen: Contains coconut.